Prospecting & intelligence

Better data, more data, smarter sales

Our database of over 250 million contacts is the most accurate in the industry. Prospect with confidence when using Apollo.

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Trusted by over a million users worldwide.

Better data

Apollo’s data is better. 
We can prove it!

In addition to having a robust database with key contact details including direct dial phone numbers, up to date business emails, and job titles, Apollo helps you keep tabs on things like hiring data, job changes, funding, Alexa rankings, and much more!

Don’t believe us? Let us show you why Apollo is the best option!

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Bigger and better

Do more with more Apollo

Apollo’s database of contacts isn’t just bigger and better, but our platform lets you do more with it too!

  • With 200+ attributes attached to each contact and company, Apollo offers users the option to create virtually limitless permutations of prospecting lists and contact groupings.
  • Target ideal prospects with laser precision to make sure you reach exactly who you want, when you want, where you want, and with what you want.
  • Apollo boasts fast integration speeds with your CRM, ensuring that activities sync in real-time to prevent mistakes and maintain accurate record-keeping.

Learn about Apollo's data

LinkedIn Prospector

Find verified emails and direct dial phone numbers of contacts on LinkedIn, and sync them with your CRM instantly.

Find emails & phone numbers

Get verified emails and direct dial phone numbers of any LinkedIn contact at the click of a button.

Click-to-Call, email, or sequence LinkedIn leads, instantly

Add directly from LinkedIn to a sequence, getting their verified email address, without hopping between multiple tools.

Direct CRM push

Push your list directly into Salesforce or Hubspot, or download them as a CSV.

Automatic research and stage sync

See intelligence info like stage, email activity, and much more on any LinkedIn prospect, instantly.

Persona Lookalike

AI-driven prospecting

With new companies popping up all the time and existing companies pivoting into new functions, knowing each and every prospect you should be reaching out to is an impossible task. Apollo’s proprietary Persona Lookalike functionality ensures you don’t have to.

  • Create “personas” based on attributes that fit your ICP or specific audiences you are looking to target. Apollo’s algorithm will create a suggested list of prospects you can add to your sequences.
  • Automated rulesets can also be put in place to update your lists when new prospects meet your preset criteria.

    These can include:

    • Job change alerts
    • New positions being hired
    • Changes to internal tools/software being used
    • And much more!


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Success stories

Apollo helps thousands of companies drive more revenue. Hear more success stories from companies like yours!




Positive reply rate


Increase in click rates

We love the interface, the experience, and most importantly… the results.

Read the Kickfurther success story


Increased Meetings in First Month


Lift in outbound messaging activity

We are incredibly thankful for Apollo. We’ve solved the biggest problem for every business, the lead problem.

Read the Victorious success story


Increase in Ad Clicks


Increase in Impressions

Apollo completely changed the game for us. It allowed us to identify relevant targets that are ready to scale and reach out to them at the exact right time.

Read the Optimove success story


Increase in total meetings


Increase in call-to-meeting conversion


Greater contact accuracy with Apollo compared with competitors

Implementing Apollo was ridiculously easy, and we saw a great immediate return on investment. It was a complete no-brainer that it was the right decision.

Read the SaaSOptics success story